Carrianne K. Y. Leung is a Toronto-based writer, educator and business person. She completed a Ph.D. in sociology and equity studies at the OISE/University of Toronto and is employed by the Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U).

Fiction (Short stories)
That Time I Loved You
Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, 2018.
PS8623 .E9353 T43 2018
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
The suburbs of the 1970s promised to be heaven on earth—new houses, new status, happiness guaranteed. But in a Scarborough subdivision populated by newcomers from all over the world, a series of sudden catastrophic events reveals that not everyone’s dreams come true. Moving from house to house, Carrianne Leung explores the inner lives behind the tidy front gardens and picture-perfect windows, always returning to June, an irrepressible adolescent Chinese-Canadian coming of age in this shifting world. Through June and her neighbours, Leung depicts the fine line where childhood meets the realities of adult life, and examines, with insight and sharp prose, how difficult it is to be true to ourselves at any age.
Awards and Honours
2018 Toronto Book Awards (Shortlist)
Fiction (Young adult)
The Wondrous Woo: A Novel
Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education, 2013.
PS8623 .E9353 W66 2013
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
The Wondrous Woo tells the story of Miramar Woo who is the quintessential Chinese girl: nice, quiet, and reserved. The eldest of the three Woo children, Miramar is ever the obedient sister and daughter … on the outside. On the inside, she’s a kick-ass kung fu heroine with rock star flash, sassy attitude, and an insatiable appetite for adventure. Just as Miramar is about to venture forth on the real adventure of leaving home for university, her beloved father is killed in an accident.
In a story that spans four eventful years, Miramar ventures forth from the suburbs of Toronto to university in Ottawa and back again. Along the way she encounters people and situations light years apart from her sheltered world. She explores new friendships, lust, and a side of herself never seen before. Ultimately, Miramar discovers the meaning of courage, belonging, and family.
Awards and Honours
2014 Toronto Book Awards (Finalist)