Aparna Kaji Shah was born in Mombasa, Kenya but raised in Mumbai, India. She has an M.A. and M.Phil. in English and taught at the post-secondary level in Mumbai. After moving to Canada in 1985, she obtained a B.Ed. from the University of Toronto and taught at George Brown College. Shah currently lives in Toronto. Her fiction and poetry has been published in anthologies.

Fiction (Short stories)
The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories
Toronto: Inanna Publications, 2018
PS8637 .H348 S34 2018
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories is a collection of short fiction illuminating the quality of women’s lives in India and in Canada, exposing the pain, the injustices as well as the triumphs that make up their existence. The turmoil that these women face is often the result of a social structure that seeks to disempower women and discriminates against them. However, these are powerful characters and their stories reflect attitudes and ways of life in a rural villages in India as well as in modern day Mumbai, and as immigrants to Canada, highlighting the values of an older generation, and the dreams of a new one.
Aparna Kaji Shah personal website
Publisher Inanna Publications