Anvesh Jain was born in Delhi, India and moved to Calgary when he was one year old. His poetry has been published in numerous literary journals. Jain is a graduate of the University of Toronto, and earned a law degree from the University of Ottawa.
Pilgrim to No Country
Calgary: Frontenac House, 2022.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Pilgrim to No Country is a skillful, high-energy, visionary debut poetry collection. Anvesh Jain, reliving his childhood immigration from Delhi to Calgary over and over, reimagines home with humour and wisdom. From the primordial to the present, from alienation to acceptance, Jain enacts a mythic clashing of worlds: “Self-immolation at Banff – / Burn me, burn it all. Spread my ashes / From Peace Bridge … // Bring me back to New Delhi, / Where air cremates my tongue, / Where it is brown and dirty / And unblinded by white snow.” Balancing critique of empire, love for his new homeland, and longing for the old world, Jain’s Pilgrim to No Country makes you laugh out loud and then leaves you haunted.