AlliterAsian: Twenty Years of Ricepaper Magazine
Edited by Julia Lin, Allan Cho, and Jim Wong-Chu.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press 2015.
PS8235 .A8 A46 2015
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
2015 marks the 20th anniversary of Ricepaper magazine, a pioneering periodical devoted to Asian-Canadian writing. Over the years, Ricepaper‘s focus has shifted from predominantly arts and culture reporting to the publication of original literature; as such, it has both witnessed and cultivated the maturation of an Asian-Canadian literary tradition; indeed, many of today’s most acclaimed Asian-Canadian writers were first published in the pages of Ricepaper.

Another Way to Dance: contemporary Asian Poetry From Canada and the United States
Edited by Cyril Dabydeen.
Toronto: TSAR, 1996.
PS8283 .A8 A67 1996
Publisher’s Synopsis
This anthology includes selected works of some of the most active and dynamic contemporary poets writing in North America. Reflecting to various degrees sensibilities based on ancestral Asian homelands and on lives in Canada and the United States, the poetry … is of a wide-ranging appeal and refreshing modernity, depicting a shifting, kaleidoscopic landscape of cultural and spiritual heterogeneity and individual interpretations.
Aurat Durbar: The Court of Women: Writings by Women of South Asian Origin
Edited by Fauzia Rafiq.
Toronto.: Second Story Press, 1995.
PS8235 .S68 A97 1995

Bae Sah Mo: Youth Journals
Willowdale, Ont.: Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, 2006.
[The Press has subsequently been renamed: Variety Crossing Press.]
PS8323 .K6 B34 2006
Publisher’s Synopsis
Bae Sah Mo translated from the Korean describes people who have the strong desire to learn. With this in mind, the idea of Bae Sah Mo Youth Journals, is born. With the acclaimed writer Bruce Meyer as editor, students of the Bae Sah Mo program explore the art of the written word and present their ideas about the world around them.

Edited by JR Garrard, Allan Cho, Dawn Chow, Silvia Leung.
Vancouver: Asian Canadian Writers Workshop, Ricepaper, Dark Helix Press, 2021.
(Ricepaper Magazine Books ; Vol. 3)
will be ordered
Publisher’s Synopsis
This anthology is a compilation of Ricepaper Magazine submissions—short stories, poetry, and nonfiction by writers of Asian descent from across the world. The theme that binds the collection is “belief,” a notion personal to each individual sharing a piece of themselves in their works. Each author shares a conviction of truth shaping the reality of life in the Asian diaspora.
Bolo! Bolo!: A Collection of Writings by Second Generation South Asians Living in North America
Edited by the Kitchen Table Collective.
Mississauga, Ont.: South Asian Professionals’ Networking Association, 2000.
PS8089.5 .S68 B74 2000
Canadian Literature
The following issues are devoted to the writings of Asian Canadians:
Issue 132 (Spring 1992) South Asian Connections.
Issue 140 (Spring 1994) East Asian-Canadian Connections.
Issue 163 (Winter 1999) Asian Canadian Writing
Issue 190 (Autumn 2006) South Asian Diaspora
Issue 199 (Winter 2008) Asian Canadian Studies
Issue 227 (Winter 2015) Asian Canadian Critique Beyond the Nation

Currents: A Ricepaper Anthology
Edited by Karla Comanda, Leila Lee, and William Tham.
Vancouver: Ricepaper Magazine, 2017.
PS8235 .A8 C87 2017
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Presenting 2016’s best works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction by Asian and Asian Canadian writers published in Ricepaper Magazine.
The following issues are devoted to the writings of Asian including South Asian Canadians:
Issue 58, vol. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1987) Land of My Fathers: India
Issue 162, vol. 44, no. 3 (Fall 2013) Masala

Desilicious: South Asian Erotic Writing
Edited by The Masala Trois Collective.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2003.
PS595 .E76 D48 2003
Publisher’s Synopsis
Desilicious is a wide-ranging compilation of erotic literature by writers of South Asian descent – a medley of arousing and thematically innovative fiction, poetry, and essays, spiced for mature appetites only. The flavours of these works, by both men and women, run deep, and vary from suggestive to salacious, risque to ribald.
The collection explores the relationship between sensuality and culture, and how they can both complement and conflict with each other.

Ethnicities: Plays from the New West
Edited by Anne Nothof.
Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1999.
PS8315.5 .P73 E83 1999
Partial contents: House of Sacred Cows / Padma Viswanathan — Mom, Dad, I’m Living With a White Girl / Marty Chan.
Fireweed: A Feminist Quarterly
The following issues are devoted to the writings of Asian women:
Issue 30 (Spring 1990) Asian Canadian Women: Awakening Thunder.
Issue 43 (Spring 1994) Rice Papers: Writings and Artwork by East and Southeast Asian Women in Canada.
The Geography of Voice: Canadian Literature of the South Asian Diaspora
Edited by Diane McGifford.
Toronto: TSAR, 1992.
PS8089.5 .S68 G46 1992
Publisher’s Synopsis
A comprehensive anthology of the best of the poetry, fiction and drama by those writers who trace their ancestry to the Indian subcontinent. The writers included in these pages originate from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, as well as East and South Africa and the Caribbean. What they have in common besides their ancestry is that they reside in and create their works in Canada.
Green Snow: Anthology of Canadian Poets of Asian Origin
Edited with an introduction by Stephen Gill.
Cornwall, Ont.: Vesta Publications, 1976. (reprinted 1993, called 2nd ed.)
With the exception of Joy Kogawa, all of the authors have South Asian ancestry.

Han Kut: Critical Art and Writing by Korean Canadian Women
Edited by The Korean Canadian Women’s Anthology Collective.
Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education, 2007.
PS8235 .K67 H36 2007

Henry Chow and Other Stories
Edited by R. David Stephens, from the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop.
Vancouver: Tradewind Books, 2009.
PS8329.1 .H44 2009
Short stories that reflect the experiences and sentiments of North-American Asian teenagers.

Her Mother’s Ashes, and Other Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States
Edited by Nurjehan Aziz.
Toronto: TSAR, 1994.
PS8329 .H47 1994

Her Mother’s Ashes 2: More Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States
Edited by Nurjehan Aziz.
Toronto: TSAR, 1998.
PS8329 .H472 1998

Her Mother’s Ashes 3: Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States
Edited by Nurjehan Aziz.
Toronto: TSAR, 2009.
PS8329.1 .H45 2009

Immersion: An Asian Anthology of Love, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction
Edited by JF Garrard, Allan Cho, William Tham.
Toronto: Published by Asian Canadian Writers Workshop and Dark Helix Press, 2019.
will be ordered
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Your janitors are secretly part of an underground society. Craigslist shamans are available for shape shifters. Hopping corpses terrorize a small town while an aging samurai embarks on his final journey. These are just a slice of the fantasy and science fiction within the pages of this book.

Inalienable Rice: A Chinese & Japanese Canadian Anthology
Vancouver: Powell Street Revue : Chinese Canadian Writers Workshop, 1979.
FC106 .C5 I55 1979

Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women
The Women’s Book Committee, Chinese Canadian National Council.
Toronto: Women’s Press, 1992.
FC106 .C5 J56 1992

Love + relAsianships
Edited by Nina Lee Aquino.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2009.
2 volumes.
PS8309 .A75 L68 2009

Love Loss and Longing: South Asian Canadian Plays
Edited by Dalbir Singh.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2015.
PS8315.1 .L68 2015

Magdaragat: An Anthology of Filipino-Canadian Writing
Edited by Teodoro Alcuitas, C.E. Gatchalian, and Patria Rivera.
Cormorant Books, 2023.
Forthcoming November 2023.

Making a Difference: Canadian Multicultural Literature
Edited by Smaro Kamboureli.
Torontor: Oxford University Press, 1996.
PS8235 .M56 M35 1996
Making a Difference: Canadian Multicultural Literatures in English
2nd ed. 2007
PS8235 .M56 M35 2007

Many-Mouthed Birds: Contemporary Writing by Chinese Canadians
Edited by Bennett Lee & Jim Wong-Chu.
Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1991.
PS8235 .C5 M35 1991
Publisher’s Synopsis
This exciting collection introduces the choicest stories and poems by twenty contemporary writers of Chinese descent living in Canada. The writers’ experiences of two cultures and awareness of the tensions between them bear fruit in stories that surprise, enlighten and entertain.
Maple: Tanka Poems by Japanese Canadians
Edited by Tomi Nishimura. Translations by Toyoshi Hiramatsu.
Kisaragi Poem Study Group.
Toronto: Centennial Times, 1975.

Millennium Messages
Edited by Kenda D. Gee.
Edmonton: Asian Canadian Writers Workshop Society of Edmonton, 1997.
PS8235 .A8 M54 1997
Morphogenesis: The Beginnings of the Shape
Edited by Dae-Tong Huh.
Toronto: Variety Crossing, 2009.
PS8233 .M67 2009
Includes some text in Korean.
Native & Japanese Canadian Poets & Writers
Toronto: Earth Spirit Festival, 1991.
PS8279 .N38 1991
Includes contributions by: Gerry Shikatani, Joy Kogawa, Roy Miki, and Roy Kiyooka.

Paper Doors: An Anthology of Japanese-Canadian Poetry
Edited by Gerry Shikatani and David Aylward. Translations by David Aylward.
Toronto: Coach House Press, 1981.
PS8283 .J3 P3713 1981

Red Silk: An Anthology of South Asian Canadian Women Poets
Edited by Rishma Dunlop & Priscilla Uppal.
Toronto: Mansfield Press, 2004.
PS8283 .A8 R43 2004
Excerpt from the editors’ introduction
The works included here are not exercises in nostalgia; rather, they are imaginings and re-imaginings of history, memory, the material reality of lives, testifying to the fact that boundaries of nation, culture and gender are slippery inventions requiring continuous interrogation.
Contributors: Hiro Boga, Rishma Dunlop, Kuldip Gill, Sonnet L’Abbé, Danielle Lagah, Soraya Peerbaye, Sharandpal Ruprai, Sandeep Sanghera, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Proma Tagore, Priscila Uppal.
Reimagining ChinaTOwn: Speculative Fiction from Toronto’s Chinatown(s) in 2050.
Edited by Linda Zhang.
Toronto: Reimagining Chinatown Press, 2021.
PS8319 .R44 2021
Reissued in 2023 as:
Reimagining Chinatown: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction
Edited by Linda Zhang.
Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2023.
e-book (Access restricted to members of the university community)
Rice: Explorations Into Gay Asian Culture + Politics
Edited with an introduction by Song Cho.
Toronto: Queer Press, 1998.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Rice. A life-sustaining staple of Asian cultures for thousands of years served as a side-dish on Western menus. Rice is also a metaphor for gay Asians and how we are consumed by a white gay culture as exotic “tricks.” This books is a collection of work by emerging and established writers and artists.
Saclit Drama: Plays by South Asian Canadians
Edited by Uma Parameswaran.
Bangalore, India: IBH Prakashana, 1996.
PS8307 .S33 1996
Shakti’s Words: An Anthology of South Asian Canadian Women’s Poetry
Edited by Diane McGifford & Judith Kearns.
2nd ed. rev. and expanded.
Toronto: TSAR, 1993.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Articulating a purely feminist consciousness; giving voice to Third World and immigrant concerns; decrying racism and bigotry; rebellious and subversive, sometimes simply lyrical or imagistic; invoking the real, magical, and mythical, old worlds and the new; analytical or synthetical: these poems reflect also a commitment to craft, the search for form, and individual style. They represent the new voices that are gradually changing the landscape of Canadian literature.
South Asian Ensemble: A Canadian Quarterly of Literature, Arts and Culture
Journal Home Page
Editors: Gurdev Chauhan and Rajesh Sharma.
Trenton, ON: South Asian Ensemble, Inc.
ISSN: 1920-6763

The Spirits Have Nothing to Do with Us: New Chinese Canadian Fiction
Edited by Dan K. Woo.
Hamilton: Buckrider Books, 2023.
will be ordered

Stone Voices: Wartime Writings of Japanese Canadian Issei
Edited by Keibo Oiwa.
Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1991.
D810 .N3 C27 1991
Publisher’s Synopsis
With the bombing of Pearl Harbour in December 1941, all persons of Japanese descent were declared ‘enemy aliens.’ Their assets were seized and most of the Japanese Canadian population was relocated or sent to internment camps. Stone Voices is a selection of memoirs, diaries, and letters written by four Issei, the first generation of Japanese to settle in Canada.
Awards and Honours
1992 Canada-Japan Book Award (Winner)

Story Wallah!: A Celebration of South Asian Fiction
Edited by Shyam Selvadurai.
Toronto: Thomas Allen, 2004.
PR9415 .S76 2004
Publisher’s Synopsis
A “wallah” is a merchant or hawker. In Story-Wallah! some of the world’s best fiction writers, including Salman Rushdie, Michael Ondaatje, Anita Desai, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Monica Ali — hawk their wares. There is an eclectic quality to the way the stories jostle against each other — life on a sugar plantation in Trinidad next to a story set in bustling Bombay, a honeymoon in the hills of Sri Lanka, and a childhood in rural Australia. Selvadurai’s arrangement creates a marvelous cacophony like early morning at a South Asian bazaar. Story-Wallah! is essential reading for anyone with an interest in South Asian writers and the dynamic, important tales they have to tell.

Strike the Wok: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Canadian Fiction
Edited by Lien Chao and Jim Wong-Chu.
Toronto: TSAR, 2003.
PS8235 .C5 S77 2003
Publisher’s Synopsis
This new anthology brings together some of the most exciting works of fiction by contemporary Chinese Canadian writers. Representing three generations of Chinese from a variety of backgrounds, including writers born in Canada as well as places outside, presenting a diversity of themes and styles, and set in various geographical locations and time periods, Strike the Wok is a truly kaleidoscopic look at Chinese life from modern Canadian perspectives. Internationally renowned as well as newer voices are included.

Swallowing Clouds: An Anthology of Chinese-Canadian Poetry
Edited by Andy Quan & Jim Wong-Chu.
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1999.
PS8283 .C5 S92 1999
Publisher’s Synopsis
These poems evoke the spirit and sentiment of the Chinese-Canadian community in all of its various forms and guises, representing a diversity of language and style that speak to issues of ethnicity and culture while forging new and exciting paths of their own.

Toward the North: Stories by Chinese Canadian Authors
Edited by Hua Laura Wu, Xueqing Xu, Corinne Bieman Davis.
Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education, 2018.
PS8235.C55 T69 2018
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Toward the North is the first anthology of thirteen short fiction pieces written and translated by Chinese-Canadian writers during the last two decades, each of which depicts the contemporary lives of new Chinese immigrants to Canada, and illustrates newcomers’ perspectives of multicultural Canada.
Under a Kabul Sky: Short Fiction by Afghan Women
Translated by Elaine Kennedy.
Toronto: Inanna Poetry & Fiction, 2022.
E-book (Access restricted to members of the community)
Originally published in French in 2019 by Éditions Le Soupirail.
Five of the twelve contributors are residing in Canada as of date of publication.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
In Kabul, nature is emotionally charged—the sky, the earth, the water. Demons have come to invade and possess people.
These twelve short stories dive deep into imaginary worlds where everyday life is marked and marred by war. They speak of wounded love, captured women, confinement, talismans, borders, wolves. They give expression to the voices of Afghan women who would like to change the fate of people like Nâzboo, Khorshid, Hamid and so many others.
University of Toronto Quarterly
Electronic Journal (Access restricted to members of the TMU community)
Issue 84:4 (Fall 2015) To Make a Difference: A Memorial Tribute to Chelva Kanaganayakam.

Voices In The Desert: An Anthology of Arabic-Canadian Women Writers
Edited by Elizabeth Dahab.
Toronto: Guernica, 2002.
PS8235 .W7 V66 2002
Publisher’s Synopsis
There exists in Canada, a literature that was born in the 1970s at the hands of first-generation Canadians of Arabic descent; this literature shows the indelible marks of genius and has produced great works, in significant amounts. It has been produced in all genres and it covers styles ranging from the realist to the post-modernist. These works are written in French, English and Arabic … . It bears the indelible mark of exile and can presently join ranks with “other solitudes” Canada has come to acknowledge, admit and embrace.
The Whistling Thorn: South Asian Canadian Fiction
Edited by Suwanda Sugunasiri.
Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press, 1994.
PS8239 .W55 1994
Synopsis (from the editor’s intro.)
“The characters in these stories, like the whistling thorn tree in the African bush, live their quiet ways in the wilderness of life, whistling paeans of joy and bearing the thorns of pain, roots reaching out to wherever they would find sustenance.”