Natalie Lim is a Chinese-Canadian poet living on the unceded, traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Peoples (Vancouver, BC). Lim was the winner of the 2018 CBC Poetry Prize and Room magazine’s 2020 Emerging Writer Award. Lim is part of the Communications and Marketing Team at Simon Fraser University.
Poetry (Chapbook)
Vancouver: Rahila’s Ghost Press, 2022.
Synopsis (From the author’s website)
It contains poems about a lot of things, including car crashes, sad space robots, diaspora and existential crises. But mostly, it’s a book about and for the people I love.

Elegy for Opportunity
Hamilton: Wolsak & Wynn, 2025.
forthcoming April 2025.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
In her debut collection, Natalie Lim asks: How do we go on living and loving in a time of overlapping crises? Anchored by elegies for NASA’s Opportunity rover and a series of love poems, this collection explores the tension and beauty of a world marked by grief through meditations on Dungeons & Dragons, Taylor Swift’s cultural impact, the all-engulfing anxiety of the climate crisis and more. Confessional, funny and bursting with joy, Elegy for Opportunity extends a lifeline from Earth that will leave you feeling comforted, challenged and a little less alone in the universe.