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Instructional Services

The library instruction program at Toronto Metropolitan University is multi-faceted and is designed to promote and foster student success through information literacy, which is the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information effectively and ethically.

Through a variety of classes and workshops, the library instruction program focuses on the development of research skills and examines the vast number of information resources available through the library.

The Library is equipped with a teaching classroom and two computer labs for instruction and offers the following workshops:

Subject Oriented Classes

These highly recommended, comprehensive sessions focus on equipping students with research and information literacy skills that will help them to complete successful assignments in a specific course or program. The library sessions are arranged by the faculty member/instructor through their subject librarian. Sessions can be offered as single or multiple classes and can include a library tour if desired. Librarians will gladly work with instructors on the development or tailoring of assignments that make maximum use of the Library’s resources. Faculty may contact their subject librarian to schedule a session.

Research Skills Workshops

These hour-long workshops are offered during the fall and winter terms. Each workshop focuses on a particular aspect of library use or research, for example, catalogue searching, database searching, or finding specialized information. Note that the Drop-in Workshops serve as an introduction to a specific resource or service and are not meant to replace the subject-oriented sessions described above. Schedules are available for Research Skills Workshops.

Faculty Focus Workshops

The Library offers hands-on sessions for all TMU faculty who are interested in learning about information resources that support their courses and research. Librarians will also work with faculty in the development of research assignments for students that make maximum use of the Library’s resources. Please contact your subject librarian for an appointment.

For more information on the Library Instruction Program, please contact:

Reece Steinberg
Head, Library Learning Services
416-979-5000 x.557377