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Audio-Visual (Media) Resources & Services

Contact Information

Borrowing and booking films and videos for classroom use: E-mail:

Regular loan material: 5th floor and Reserve material: Main floor circulation desk

DVDs can also be played on most desktop computers in the Library in the following locations: ILC (Main Floor), LIB393A (3rd floor), and LIB667 (6th floor).

VHS Viewing Station: Available in the TMU Archives on the 4th floor of the Library. Inquire at the Circulation Desk, Main floor to borrow headphones.

Videotapes, CDs and DVDs are available in the Audio-Visual collection (5th Floor). AV material may be viewed in-house, booked for classroom use, or borrowed, depending on format. The collection can be used by members of the TMU community and the public but certain restrictions apply.

The Library provides online access to digitized audio-visual resources through subscriptions to databases or by streaming of copyright-cleared videos. Terms and conditions for streaming vary with individual titles. Faculty are advised to check with Audio-Visual Services for more details.

Material in the Library Collection

Videos and DVDs in the TMU Library’s Audio-Visual collection can be shown in the classroom for educational purposes only. The Library does not provide access to any material derived from unauthorized duplication, off-air taping from the television or downloading from the Internet without copyright permission. You cannot break Technological Protection Measures of library obtained materials to make material available online for your students, or make a copy of the material.

Feature Film Licenses

As of Nov. 7th 2012, public performance rights for the educational use of cinematographic works in physical format (DVD or VHS for example), or in digital format and legally posted on the open public Internet (and not protected by passwords, user agreements, or digital locks) are no longer required. Exhibition in public of any library obtained audio-visual titles for a purpose other than education usually require additional public performance rights.

Library audiovisual streaming collections come with licenses that cover educational use for our campus community. Other uses of our online audiovisual materials may require additional licenses.

Online audiovisual material that is behind digital locks (accessed by passwords) and accessed via personal user accounts like paid-for digital streaming services such as Netflix, Prime, Crave etc. are for personal use only and unless otherwise noted cannot be used for shared classroom use without an additional streaming licence being obtained.