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Due to severe weather the Main Library will be closing at 6 P.M. and the Law Library will close at 3 P.M.

Scan and Deliver Service

The Library offers a Scan and Deliver service to current TMU students, staff, and faculty with a valid OneCard. Scans of articles and single book chapters may be requested from the print collection when there is no electronic copy available. Documents will be delivered via email.  

Note: If you are a student looking for course readings, please refer to your D2L Course readings list first before submitting a Digitization request.

How to make a Digitization Request

Requests for material can be made from Omni by completing a Digitization Request. To do this you will need to:

  1. Log into your Omni Library account
  2. Search for the item you wish to have digitized
  3. Select the title
  4. Click on the “Digitization” link under “Get it”
  5. Complete the form

OMNI record with word Digitization Get It section highlighted

Frequently Asked Questions about Scan and Deliver

Why can’t I request more than one book chapter from each book OR one journal article from one issue?

TMU Libraries comply with copyright limitations.  Patrons can only request one book chapter from each book OR one journal article from each issue to be scanned and delivered electronically. For more information see the Copyright and Fair Dealing guidelines or email

What can I do if I don’t know the page range or chapter title I need?

Contact Staff are knowledgeable, helpful, and able to work with you on requests. 

Is there a queue of digitization requests, and how do I know where I am in the queue?

You will not know where you are in the queue but your request will be fulfilled as soon as possible depending on the volume of requests we receive, within 3 business days

Where will my Digitization request be sent?

It will be sent to your TMU email address.

Who can request scans?

All students, faculty, and staff can request scans with a few exceptions.