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Filming Policy

Filming and Photography in the Library

The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which TMU Libraries’ spaces may be used for filming, still photography and/or video production related to coursework. 

This policy applies to filming, photography and video production by current TMU students, faculty members, staff and community. Film crews/photographers employed by the University for public relations purposes, can contact TMU Libraries, Communications Specialist for information regarding spaces and timing.

The Library is a place where TMU students, faculty, and staff study, conduct research, and use information resources and services. As such, the first priority for use of space is for those persons engaged in quiet study, research and use of information resources and services. The Library’s Code of Conduct is designed to set the framework for providing a minimal noise environment.

Please note that filming is available on floors 5-9 only – this includes group study rooms located on these floors that have been booked by a member of the film crew. Filming and photography on floors 2 – 4 (including the Library DME) must be reviewed by Library administration. Requests for filming in the Law Library must be reviewed by John Papadopoulos, head librarian, Law Library.  

Film crews must be respectful of users who come to the Library to study quietly. Elaborate set ups and excessive discussion and conversation that disturbs library users is NOT permitted. 

NO filming is permitted for the period from 1 week before the start of an exam period until the end of the exam period. 

No filming is permitted on the 10th floor. This floor is dedicated to quiet study.


Students wishing to direct a film/photo shoot must read, complete and submit a Filming in TMU Libraries form. This form should normally be completed at least 48 hours in advance of the filming. Once submitted you will receive an approval notice. If you do not receive an approval notice please check the form. 

Please keep a copy of your approval email. You may be asked to show staff or security. 

Community Members

Community members, including faculty and staff, must complete and submit a Filming in TMU Libraries form. This form should normally be completed at least 48 hours in advance of the filming and be sent to the Communications Specialist and/or the Dean of Libraries for approval. Security will be advised of any approved film shoots.


TMU students, staff and community members filming or conducting photoshoots in the Library must:

  • undertake to leave the Library clean, place back any furniture moved during filming, and conduct filming in a manner that is safe for all Library users (do not leave cables or equipment on floor),
  • abide by the terms of the Code of Library Conduct noted above,
  • assume responsibility for costs associated with damage to the premises which occur as a result of the filming, and
  • advise the Librarian on duty and/or Security staff of any problems which arise during the film shoot

Date policy approved: November 7, 2023

Updated: May 29, 2024