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LibQual+ Results 2007

In 2007, Ryerson University Library participated in LibQUAL, an online survey used by many libraries to measure three aspects of user satisfaction:

  • Information Control (hours, collections, and ease in accessing resources)
  • Affect of Service (customer service)
  • Library as Place (building, amenities, and study space)

Students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty and staff were informed through a series of emails that the Library was participating in LibQUAL.  Thank you to those of you who completed surveys.  We received 823 responses, with the following breakdown providing a snapshot of how various groups and faculties within the university responded:

By Group


By Faculty

Community Services185
Graduate Studies94

What the Survey Told Us

In many cases, LibQUAL confirmed our current course of action, as many of the areas needing improvement had already been targeted for enhancement prior to receiving the survey results.

In the area of Information Control, users told us they wanted better print and electronic collections, and an online environment that was easier to navigate.

In terms of Library as Place, users wanted library space that was comfortable, inviting, and which would satisfy their needs for both quiet and group study.

With respect to Affect of Service, users valued the current customer service received in the Library, but wanted improvements when it came to dependability when dealing with user problems.

What we have done since LibQUAL

Chart showing increase in Library budget
Chart showing increase in interlibrary loan transactions

In response to concerns around Information Control, the Library has:

  • Increased collections budgets to allow for more aggressive consortial and e-resource purchasing, including print materials and e-books
  • Implemented a single sign on proxy service, allowing for easier and faster remote login to the Library’s resources using the my.ryerson account
  • Provided new software applications that have improved the InterLibrary Loan service, allowing for faster access to materials from other libraries
  • Conducted usability studies to determine the need for improvements to the website and catalogue, and has made changes to improve the user experience
Chart showing increase in facilities

In response to concerns around Library as Place, the Library has:

  • Renovated the new 4th floor, providing 250 additional study spaces, including both quiet study areas and flexible group study and learning space
  • Relaxed the Food and Drink policy, making the library more comfortable and inviting
  • Begun the early stages of planning for an exciting new Student Learning Centre, which will allow us to further respond many of the concerns around the Library as Place

In response to concerns around Affect of Service, the Library has:

  • Implemented a customer service training program and an ongoing review of staff training policies and procedures

Future Action

The Library has embarked on a new strategic planning process in response to Ryerson’s 2008-2013 Academic Plan.  In addition to other feedback, the Library has actively used the data from LibQUAL to develop a strategic plan that represents the needs of our users.  We will continue to seek input from our users as we move forward.  Please look for additional announcements on the Library blog inviting feedback, or send an email to