Thank you all for participating in our COVID-19 Community Archive submission contest!
The COVID-19 Community Archive seeks to preserve and make accessible content that was captured and created by students, faculty, staff and alumni about their lived experiences during the pandemic. Our goal in developing this digital portal is to serve as a repository for those of us who may be documenting this historic moment.
We received incredible submissions throughout the summer contest. Here are the three randomly selected winning submissions:
Self Portrait #8 During Covid Lockdown by Jerry Waese Covid Baking Chronicles by Regina Ledesma Passing and Searching For Lost Time During The Pandemic by Gregory Hertel
Although the contest is closed, you can still submit your work to the University’s COVID-19 Digital Community Archive Project by using our online submission form. We accept all types of works: photographs, audiovisual recordings, artworks and written content reflecting your experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us in this collaborative project to document these unprecedent times!