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Learn how to use the new academic search tool, Omni.

Online Mapping

Scholars GeoPortal

Scholars GeoPortal allows users to search and display geospatial data layers and produce maps without the use of Desktop GIS software.  Consult the following resource to get started!

Using Scholars GeoPortal – Scroll to Mapping tools

Simply Map Canada

Simply Map Canada allows users to create thematic maps using variables from the following Environics Analytics data offerings: CensusPlus, DemoStats, HouseholdSpend, Business Locations, and DaytimePop. Users can add data representing selected census geographies e.g. Census Tract (CT) and apply custom data classification.

Mapping Demographic Data – Video

Free Online Mapping Tools

Online Mapping tools – Visit the Maps, Data and Government Information Centre at Carleton University to find the tool that meets your mapping needs!