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Due to severe weather the Main Library will be closing at 6 P.M. and the Law Library will close at 3 P.M.

Library resources and services for students 

Updated: November 24, 2023

Welcome to TMU Libraries

Learn about Library resources, services, programs and spaces

Visit the homepage

TMU Libraries Hours

Please continue to check the Library hours page for updates on Library opening hours.

All campus building doors, including the Library building, are locked and require an active OneCard to gain access.

Research and Reference Help

The Research Help area is located on the main floor of the Main Library (near the east entrance).

In-person research help is available:
Mon. to Fri.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Ask-a-Librarian Chat Service (Virtual Research Help)

September 5 to December 8, 2023

Monday to Thursday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Noon – 6 p.m.
Closed Monday, October 9, 2023

If you have a question while this service is closed, send us an email –


Email reference assistance


Research Help Appointments

To request a one-on-one online appointment with a Librarian, please submit a research appointment request.


Research and Digital Skills Workshops

TMU Libraries hosts a number of virtual and in-person workshops each month. Learn about everything from finding credible resources including electronic articles and books, how to do literature and systematic reviews, or learn Adobe Creative suite applications for projects and for fun!


Subject Research Guides

Subject guides assist with finding online articles and books applicable to your topic and courses.


Research Help Guide

Research guides get you started on how to plan and carry out your research. Online research tutorials are available to help walk you through each step of the research process.


Subject Librarians

Connect with your subject liaison librarian to learn more about resources and materials available specifically for your area of study.

Where to study

Study Space

Quiet study  space is available on floors 4-7, and 9. Silent study space is on floor 10.

Group Study Room Booking

Group study rooms are now available for booking.

Borrowing and Lending Services

Laptop Lending

TMU Libraries has laptops available for loan from the Circulation Desk on the main floor.

Laptops may be borrowed for an eight hour period during the hours that the Library is open. The first time you borrow a laptop, you will need to complete and submit an Online Laptop Loan Agreement Form.

TRSM Laptop Lending

Laptop Lending for TRSM is restricted to undergraduate and graduate students, both full-time and part-time and who are currently enrolled in Ted Rogers School of Management programs only. TRSM users will need to complete and submit this TRSM Laptop Lending Request Form to access this program. Students who are experiencing  financial hardship will receive priority.

Online Resources

Access to all online resources including ebooks, ejournals, data, streaming video/media  and more, remains available 24/7.


Textbook Collection

Print textbooks are available on short-term loan for the majority of undergraduate courses. Textbooks are available from the reserve collection at the Circulation Desk on the main floor of the Main Library and can be requested by call number.

Electronic Resources

The University Library subscribes to a wide array of electronic resources (articles, ebooks, data, video). To access these resources, you must be a student (full or part time), staff or faculty member with an active my.torontomu account. These are available remotely 24/7.

Interlibrary Loans 

The Interlibrary Loan service enhances the resources of the University Library by making material available from other libraries, organizations and document delivery services. Students, faculty, staff may use this service to request materials from another library provided the University Library does not own a physical copy or the online access is restricted. Please email any questions to

Online Articles and Databases

Access electronic multiple articles in databases, search journals, newspapers and magazines, or find specific articles.

Scan and Deliver Service

Scan and Deliver Service is available to students, faculty and staff who require access to portions of printed works (chapters, articles, etc.) that fall within copyright permissible amounts. Requests can be placed through the Library’s online catalogue.

Digital Course Readings

TMU Libraries provides customized online course readings for many courses. These are prepared based on instructor requests and are typically provided for access at the start of term.

If you have challenges or questions regarding access to these resources, please email:

Citation Guide

The citation guide provides assistance properly citing all material in various citation styles like APA, plus a list of free citation management programs.