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Year: 2011

Ryerson Library’s Writers Series, April 28th, 2011

Canadian Aboriginal Writers: a Conversation with Drew Hayden Taylor, Lee Maracle and Melissa Compton

Description:  Canadian Aboriginal authors, Drew Hayden Taylor (CBC Bookie award winner) , Lee Maracle, and Melissa Compton will be in conversation with Ryerson English professor, and White Wall Review editor, Anne-Marie Lee-Loy.This is a collaborative event with RASS, Department Of English and The Library. Refreshments will be available. Reading and booking signing.

Thursday, April 28 2011 @ 5:30PM

Location:  Toronto Metropolitan University Library,  4th Floor North side

350 Victoria St. Toronto

contact: or


Celebrate Canadian Film

In celebration of the upcoming Genie Awards showcasing outstanding achievements in Canadian cinema, the Library is highlighting Genie award-winning films from the collection.  These are on display in the glass case near the Reference area on the main floor.  These titles, and many others, can be borrowed from the Audio-Visual collection, which resides on the Library’s 5th floor.  Come check out some great Canadian films!

Celebrate your Freedom to Read

February 20 to 26, 2011 is Freedom to Read Week, an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Additional resources are available on the Library’s website – please take this opportunity to celebrate your freedom to read!

Celebrate Black History

February is Black History Month! There are a number of events organized on campus to discuss issues relating to black history and black culture, including Black Out: Who’s Missing in Criminal Justice?, a panel discussion on criminal justice and its relationship to racialized communities.  This panel discussion will be held on Wednesday, February 16 from 5:30 – 7:30 on the 7th floor, Heaslip House.

A selection of books relating to this topic are on display in the glass case near the Reference collection on the main floor.  To see additional books on this topic, click here.

Interior Design Installation in the Library

The Library is pleased to host What’s on the Table: The Designer’s Response, an exhibition featuring the work of students from the School of Interior Design, curated by Professor Lorella Di Cintio.

Students partnered with The Stop Community Food Centre to design a fund-raising item for their annual gala, which helps raise money for The Stop’s critical anti-hunger programs and services.   The results of this experiential learning opportunity, the Objet de Cuisine studio, are on display in LIB497 on the Library’s 4th floor from February 13 to 18.  Students who created the pieces will be available in LIB497 during selected times to discuss their work.  They will also make a formal presentation discussing the exhibit in LIB 489 on Tuesday, February 15 at 12:30p.m. – all are welcome.  Selected items will also be available for viewing in the Special Collections display case, also on the 4th floor, from Feb 22nd to March 7th.

Please join us for this wonderful celebration of student creativity in support of community outreach!  For more information, contact Sonny Banerjee, liaison librarian for Interior Design, at or x4834.

Celebrate Robbie Burns Day

January 25th is Robbie Burns Day! To celebrate the life and work of Scotland’s famous poet, a selection of books from the Library’s collection are on display in the glass case near the Reference collection on the main floor. To see additional items in the collection by Robbie Burns, click here.


Ryerson Library Video Tutorials

The Ryerson Library has a variety of short videos designed to help you make the most of our collection and services. These tutorials include:

For a full list see our Video Tutorials Page

The Ryerson Library also has a YouTube Channel

New Mobile App wins Award!

OLITA Technological Innovation AwardIn the bookstore? Need to quickly see if the Library has the book you want? The Toronto Metropolitan University mobile app on iOS and Android now includes the ISBN/QR barcode scanning application.

This application can be used to interpret QR and ISBN barcodes. Scanning the ISBN of a book will look for the item in the Toronto Metropolitan University Library & Archives (RULA) catalogue to see if it is available.

Scanning a QR code will interpret the data and display the results on screen or if the data contains a URL, it will launch that website. QR codes are now available in the Library catalogue.

The RULA brains behind this application recently won the OLITA Award for Technical Innovation for 2011 – congratulations to Graham McCarthy, Innovative Technologies Librarian, and Steven Marsden, Junior System Programmer!

Have to see it to believe it? Watch this video to see how its done.