Did you know that 1.77 million real Christmas trees were exported from Canada in 2010? For more interesting facts about Christmas trees, check out Statistics Canada’s “By the numbers“
Fall Issue of Nexus Available
The Fall issue of Nexus is available on the web in PDF format.
Take a study break to browse through and let us know what you think!
Staff Pick: The Hurt Locker
Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker is an intense film about the dangerous work of an American bomb squad during wartime in the Middle East. A tense and action-packed film, The Hurt Locker is well-paced and well-written, providing a new way of looking at a long-standing conflict outside gun fare and politics. The characters particularly add a personal dimension to the story, amplifying the danger of their work.
The Hurt Locker is located on the 5th floor. Check for availability.
If you like this one, try:
Embedded in Baghdad
Staff Pick: Bossypants
New to the Collection: Bossypants
In her autobiography, comedienne Tina Fey takes us through her life in an endless series of laugh-out-loud moments. In this hilarious look at the comedy industry from a female perspective, we watch Fey grow up, from the incident that caused the scar on her face all the way to the birth of her child. Of special note are the chapters about her father and her initial experiences working at Saturday Night Live.
If you like this one, try:
The Worst Date Ever
Look Back in Hunger
Love, Ellen
In addition, check out more titles in our Popular Reading Collection.
Staff Pick: Waiting for Superman
New to the collection: Waiting for Superman
Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim reminds us that education “statistics” have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying “drop-out factories” and “academic sinkholes,” methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems. Written by Sundance Film Festival.
Waiting for Superman is currently on Reserve in the library.
If you like this, try:
The end of education
Theories of development II
Adult-child interaction: communicating to support learning
Dancing with the Devil: Gifts in Kind
Toronto Metropolitan University Library & Archives is pleased to welcome Michael Moir (University Archivist and Head of the Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections at York University) on Friday, November 4 from 10:00-12:00 noon in LIB72 for a discussion entitled “Dancing with the Devil: Gifts-in-Kind, Monetary Appraisal, and Cultural Property.”
It’s valuable, it’s free and someone wants to give it to your institution. Sounds like a winning proposition, right? It may be, but as the Trojans discovered long ago, gifts can lead to unexpected consequences. Find out what you need to know about accepting gifts-in-kind to ensure a happy outcome for both donor and institution.
The event will begin at 10:00 with a meet and greet with light refreshments. The presentation will run from 10:30 until noon and will include time for Q&A. The presentation is open to all. We hope to see you there!
If you have questions about the event, please contact Joanna Beyersbergen at jbeyersb@ryerson.ca or (416) 979 5000 ext. 4982.
Celebrating Open Access Week in the Library
October 24-28 is Open Access Week. The Open Access movement is impacting scholarly communication and post-secondary education in the digital age and the library will be hosting some events this week to promote awareness of open access.
Today, Tuesday October 25, from 12:00-1:30 p.m., take a study break and join us for a film screening on the fourth floor. We will be showing RIP: A Remix Manifesto, an award-winning documentary.
On Wednesday, October 26 from 1-3 p.m., join us in the Learning Commons on the second floor of the library for the Open House. We will highlight services provided there, which will include an Open Access Zone. Come by and learn more. Refreshments will be provided and you can enter a draw to win an iPad2!
Join Digital Initiatives Librarian Brian Cameron on Thursday, October 27 from 2-3 p.m. in LIB489B for a discussion entitled Author Rights in a Digital World. This session will examine copyright transfer agreements, author addenda, and discuss open access publishing and Creative Commons Licenses.
Open Access Week – RiP: A Remix Manifesto Screening
Tuesday October 25th; 12:00-1:30 p.m. 4th floor of the Library
RiP is an open source documentary that challenges the concept of copyright. While it focuses on music it addresses wider issues such as copyleft, open source, Creative Commons licensing, and file sharing.
“In RiP: A remix manifesto, Web activist and filmmaker Brett Gaylor explores issues of copyright in the information age, mashing up the media landscape of the 20th century and shattering the wall between users and producers.
The film features Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessig, Brazil’s Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow.
Hallowe’en … by the numbers
Did you know that there were 74,970 tonnes of pumpkins produced in Canada in 2010? For more interesting facts about Hallowe’en, check out Statistics Canada’s “By the numbers” Photo by dimitridf
Alcuin Society Awards
The Alcuin Society recently hosted its awards for excellence in Canadian book design. The library currently has a set of the trade books on loan. We have created two displays of the materials: one across from the Reference Desk on the second floor, and a second display on the fourth floor near Special Collections.
Among the titles on display are “Spork” by Kyo Maclear, “I am a Japanese Writer” by Dany Laferriere, and “Darwin’s Bastards” by Zsuzsi Gartner.
Drop by the glass display case on the second floor and the display area on the fourth floor to have a look at these award-winning titles! Don’t forget to check Ryerson library holdings for the availability of the award winners!