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Tag: interlibrary loan

5000th Article Milestone in Interlibrary Loan

Wow! Our Interlibrary Loan department just surpassed the 5000 article mark in Relais, an online system which facilitates electronic delivery of interlibrary loan requests  to patrons and to other libraries. Interlibrary loan is a service which provides students, faculty and staff with access to materials from other university libraries if they are not available at Ryerson.

The Library recently began electronic delivery of most articles requested through interlibrary loan. This afternoon, a patron in the School of Business Management was the recipient of the 5000th e-delivered article in Relais!

RACER Interlibrary Loan service turns 10!

Wow!  The RACER Interlibrary Loan service is now 10 years old!  Ryerson was one of the first schools to go live with the service in 2003.  Since then, 74 libraries in 20 institutions across the province have handled 2.3 million borrowing and 2.8 million lending requests via RACER, representing an average of half a million requests per year!

Thank you to all who have contributed to the service over the past 10 years.