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Category: News

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Scan Documents in the Library

Two scanners (Microtek ScanMaker i900) are now available in the Library. They are located next to the printers in the Information Commons. Documents can be scanned using the Microtek ScanWizard Pro v7.0 software which is loaded on both PCs connected to the scanners.

Longer Laptop Loans

Due to popular demand, the loan period for laptops has been increased to four hours from three. In the near future additional laptops will be added to this programme.

Track Your Reading History

Want to be able to look back and see what you have read or checked out of the Ryerson Library in the past? Now there is a new option available under “Check Your File” that allows you to save your Reading History.

To set up this feature:

  1. Log into your Library Account using Check Your File.
  2. Click on “My Reading History” in the left column.
  3. Click on “Turn on Reading History” on the right.

After you enable your Reading History, every item that you check out from that point on will be recorded even after the item has been returned. Normally the system does not retain this information. By turning on your Reading History you are giving permission for the data to be retained.

At any time you can delete any or all of the titles in your Reading History. To discontinue Reading History Collection completely, clear all the titles from your history then click “Turn Off Reading History“.

Borrow a Laptop!

The Library now has 30 wireless-enabled laptops available for borrowing from the Circulation Desk. Laptops may be borrowed for 3 hours while the Library is open. The first time you borrow a laptop, you will need to bring a completed copy of our Laptop Loan Agreement form to the Circulation Desk. More information can be found on our Laptop Loan pages.

New Computer Lab on 3rd Floor

The computer lab in LIB393A is now open for student use Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 11:45 pm whenever it is not being used for classes. This lab contains 36 PCs with access to the Internet and the same software that is available in the Library’s Information Commons.

PCs in Group Study Rooms

PCs have been installed in six of the Library’s group study rooms (LIB562, LIB565, LIB762, LIB859, LIB860 and LIB864). These PCs provide access to the same software as the PCs in the Library’s Information Commons and to the Internet. To book one of these rooms for your group, please use the Study Room Booking page.

Get it! Links in Google Scholar

Google Scholar now includes links to the print and electronic journal resources that are available from the Ryerson Library. A Get it! @ Ryerson link indicates that electronic full text is available for that resources. A Check Ryerson Library/ILL link lets you check to see if we have a print copy of the item and, if not, order it via the Library’s free Interlibrary Loan service.

On-campus users will automatically see Get it! @ Ryerson and Check Ryerson Library/ILL links in Google Scholar.

Off-campus users will need to set Google Preferences to see the links in Google Scholar as follows:

  • Go to Google Scholar
  • Click on Scholar Preferences
  • Type Ryerson in the Library Links box
  • Select Ryerson from the list of libraries
  • Save Preferences

More Resources for Persons with Disabilities

Five workstations have been added to the open area on the third floor of the Library for use by persons with disabilities. They are reserved for use by Access Centre students. All computers in the Besse Commons and on the third floor of the Library now have the following software: Kurzweil 3000, JAWS for Windows, Inspiration and ZoomText. This software may be used by up to five users at a time.

Two Access Centre staff, Carolyn Stallberg and Ann Thomas, have relocated to offices on the third floor of the Library.