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Learn how to use the new academic search tool, Omni.

Author: May

Electronic Resources Librarian

Hint for the new Oxford Reference and Springer Platforms

In the past few months, both the Oxford Reference and Springer Journals and ebooks platforms have changed to new websites. The interfaces are very different that previous versions. Most importantly is that by default, they both return search result sets including material we do not have access to.

Please make sure to select the options on the left hand side to filter to library available items:

On Springer, un-select the option “Include Preview-Only content”.
On Oxford Reference, select the option “Show full text results only” under availability.

Please contact the reference desk if you have any further questions about how to use these two new websites.

Check out the Mergent Annual Report Collection

Mergent Archives

Mergent Annual Report Collection (new from April 2012)

Mergent Archives is an online database providing access to a vast, indexed collection of corporate and industry related documents. Containing more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries and industries, Mergent Archives uses a reliable and easy to navigate system designed to meet your historical research needs.

Mergent’s Full Collection of Digitized Manuals
Beginning with the very first Moody’s Manual published in 1909, Mergent offers more than a century’s worth of global corporate data fully digitized into high quality, PDF formatted documents.

Ford Equity Research Reports
Mergent Archives offers up to 3 years of multi-page equity research reports released weekly for over 4500 U.S. and Canadian companies. Clear and factual in its design the Ford Equity Research Report provides ratings, recommendations, sector analysis and company financial information.

Annual Reports
Access more than 85 years of Annual Reports for companies across the globe through Mergent Archives’ historical annual report collection dating back to as early as 1925.

Industry Report Collection
Since 2003, Mergent, Inc. has been providing detailed analysis and forecasts on two dozen major global industry sectors from Textiles to Aviation for the North American, European, Asia Pacific, and Latin American regions. Mergent Archives offers you our entire collection of these semi-annually released Industry Reports.



Also new to the collection: Mergent Bond Viewer

Mergent bondviewer

Mergent BondViewer contains a wide-range of bond data, including both issuer and issue-level terms and conditions and end-of-day evaluated prices for U.S. taxable bonds, municipal bonds and retail notes. Key data include :Issue details including company description, offer amount, industry code, CUSIP and historical pricing; Current and historical ratings;Coupon details including payment schedule, amount outstanding, interest frequency, bond type;  Detailed bond covenants outlining bondholder protections and issuer restrictions;  Corporate actions on significant events at the issuer level.