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Fair Dealing Week at Ryerson: February 25 to March 1, 2019

What is Fair Dealing and Why is it Important?

Fair dealing defines important user rights allowed by Canadian laws. These user rights give Canadians the ability to use short excerpts from copyright protected works for private study, research, criticism, review, education, parody and satire, without having to seek permission from the copyright owner.

Much of what students and educators do on a daily basis would be very challenging without this user right. Without fair dealing you would not be able use an image in an assignment, share an article with your group project team, or photocopy a chapter from a library book to read at home.

Fair dealing allows for a freer flow of information to happen in educational settings. It promotes learning and scholarship.

Celebrate Fair Dealing – it is a user’s right that Canadians should use, not lose!

Have a look at Student Life without Fair Dealing to learn how important fair dealing is in an educational environment.


Happening this week:

Using Images in School Projects and Beyond

Do you use images you find online for assignments and projects? Do you worry about copyright issues and want to learn more?

This one-hour workshop looks at ways you can use images using copyright exceptions like fair dealing. We will also introduce how to search for open access (creative commons) images that you can use for assignments and beyond your student work.


Day: Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

Time: 2-3pm

Place: SLC 508

Facilitated by Ann Ludbrook, Copyright Coordinator/Librarian


Fair Dealing Week: Online Assignments, Copyright and Academic Integrity

How do students know what they can and cannot pull from the Internet to use in their online assignments? You show them!

With a focus on using images, where to get Creative Commons material, the tensions around fair dealing, and how to avoid cultural appropriation, this workshop teaches you how to model best copyright practices and how to teach copyright to your students both online and in the classroom.

Understand how to model acknowledgement for others’ work by doing your own online work and building assignments that consider good copyright behaviour as it overlaps with academic integrity.


Day: Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Time: 1-3 pm

Place: POD 372

Facilitated by Ann Ludbrook, Copyright Coordinator/Librarian, and Andrea Ridgley, Academic Integrity Specialist

Register online: Fair Dealing Week: Online Assignments, Copyright and Academic Integrity