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Track Your Reading History

Want to be able to look back and see what you have read or checked out of the Ryerson Library in the past? Now there is a new option available under “Check Your File” that allows you to save your Reading History.

To set up this feature:

  1. Log into your Library Account using Check Your File.
  2. Click on “My Reading History” in the left column.
  3. Click on “Turn on Reading History” on the right.

After you enable your Reading History, every item that you check out from that point on will be recorded even after the item has been returned. Normally the system does not retain this information. By turning on your Reading History you are giving permission for the data to be retained.

At any time you can delete any or all of the titles in your Reading History. To discontinue Reading History Collection completely, clear all the titles from your history then click “Turn Off Reading History“.