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How to Check Licences of Library Electronic Resources

Electronic Resources at Toronto Metropolitan University are licenced by TMU Library. The most common types of course readings that we deliver to students at TMU are:

1) Articles from E-journals                2) Chapters from E-books

Many resources allow redistribution of this material through a persistent or stable link that can be included in your D2L course.  Occasionally the licence terms may also allow you to post a PDF article or book section to your D2L shell.   To determine how you can use these resources in your D2L course, you will need to check what our licences allow you to do before you post the material.

Journal Lookup Tool

The Journal Lookup Tool contains information that indicates how you can use articles from a particular journal.  It will tell you if you can post a pdf in your course shell or if you need to use a persistent link.  Check the License Look-up Tutorials to learn how to use the Journal Lookup Tool to find what format you can deliver electronic journal resources to your students.

Things to note:

a) Some journals only allow you to redistribute material through a persistent or stable link. (Link is Green in the Look-up Tool)

b) Occasionally the licence terms allow you to post a PDF of an article to your D2L shell. (CMS is Green in the Look-up Tool)

c) A few e-journals do not allow any redistribution of classroom use from their journal database (For example: Harvard Business Review). For these, you can contact Library E-reserves for copyright checking. (Link is marked Red in the Look-up Tool)


Some e-books in the TMU Library collection can be freely linked to if you would like to use an e-book for teaching purposes. You can provide the student a url of the “Permanent Link”  which is clearly marked in the Library Catalogue record for the e-book for them to access. These vendors allow links to their books for teaching purposes and allow multiple students to access the resource:

  • Morgan and Claypool
  • Springer Ebook
  • PsycBooks
  • Safari Books Online
  • Oxford Reference Online
  • ACLS
  • Knovel
  • ENGnetBASE
  • SPIE_eBooks
  • CogNet

If the e-book vendor is not on the list above, please send an e-mail to They will see if a licence can be obtained that will support teaching from an online book. (Some licences only allow one concurrent user which is not suitable for teaching use.)

Images from ARTstor

ARTstor has over 300,000 images that can be posted in Powerpoint slides, posted to Blackboard, or used in classroom handouts.

Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Resources

Generally Allowed

Using persistent links to provide access to journal articles and e-books from within D2L. These can be placed into your D2L shell by library staff using the Ares Course Reading system.

Incorporating images taken from the resources into presentations projected in the classroom.

Giving students citation for material so they can locate it
 in the library.

E-mailing a link to an article to an individual student or class.

Generally Not Allowed

Posting into Blackboard digital copies (for example, PDF copies) of journal articles and e-books.

Using images from the resources in presentations uploaded to D2L, OR posting images directly to D2L

Printing and handing out journal articles in the classroom.

E-mailing an article to an individual student or class.

If you are unsure about what you can 
do with a particular resource, check the Terms of Use.