We’re pleased to announce the creation of the Phyllis Yaffe Library Innovation Student Scholar for 2014-15. This position honours the contributions of Phyllis Yaffe, a former librarian, who will soon complete her term as the university’s Board Chair. Funded by the Provost’s Office, a one-year, part-time internship has been created for a third or fourth year student to work closely with the Library and Information Technology Services (LITS) team and other library units to enhance digital literacy at Ryerson, and engage in innovative initiatives related to e-learning and zone learning.
Students are invited to bring their own versatile, creative and entrepreneurial strategies to the position. Recent student employees in LITS have been involved in web application development and mobile app development such as Ryerson Mobile and the RULA MAPS app.
We look forward to the contributions of the Phyllis Yaffe Library Innovation Student Scholar in the coming academic year, and thank both Ms. Yaffe and the Provost for their support of this initiative.
More information on this upcoming opportunity will be available in the near future.