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Category: News

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We have Audio Books!

Planning a road trip? Looking for something to listen to at home or at work? The Library has 165 audiobooks of fiction and non-fiction titles that are available for 2-week loans. The audiobooks are located on the 5th floor of the Library near the Audio-Visual collection.

New Mobile Services

You can now easily search the Library’s catalogue, check your holds and fines, renew books and book study rooms from your internet-enabled mobile device. The mobile device survey that the Library ran last fall indicated that the most popular library services for a mobile device would be a option to book study rooms and the ability to search the catalogue and check your borrower record. Both of these services are now available in a format optimized for mobile devices. You can use the following links to Book a Room, and Search the Catalogue. Let us know what you think of these services by commenting below.

Student Employee of the Year

During the annual Appreciation Party for Part-time Staff held at the Library on May 1st, 2009, Chief Librarian Madeleine Lefebvre presented the Student Employee of the Year Award 2008/2009 to Dheeraj Vipparty. Dheeraj, who has worked at the Library as a Night Time Student Assistant since fall 2007, is the third recipient of this annual award. The award was created last year to recognize students who distinguish themselves through excellence during their employment at the Library. The winner receives an award certificate and a prize in the form of a $100 gift certificate. Congratulations, Dheeraj!

Digital Exhibit on Women, Politics and Power

The Library is pleased to host a digital exhibit of photos and images from students in POL 501 – Women, Politics and Power, taught by Jacquie Chic. The images were created as part of a class assignment and visualize issues relating to gender, politics and power. The powerpoint presentation was also created by students in the class.

The images will be viewable on the LCD panel in the Library lobby until the end of May.

NEXUS, the Library newsletter

The latest issue of NEXUS, the Library newsletter, is available both online and in print. This is a yearly publication which highlights what’s new in the Library. If you would like a copy, please visit the Reference Desk. Please note that the online version is ‘live’ – click on any of the underlined e-resources, or any URLs listed, and you can connect to them from within the document. If you’re off-campus, you’ll be asked to log in with your my.ryerson account when trying to access an e-resource.

Highlights include the planning process for the Student Learning Centre, the recent donation of Canadian Architect, and a sampling of new e-resources, including the large acquisition of Social Science and Humanities content through CRKN.

Staff Learning 2.0 Graduation

On Thursday April 16, Library staff members celebrated their completion of the Library’s Learning 2.0 program with a graduation ceremony. The Learning 2.0 program consisted of 13 weeks of hands-on activities highlighting Web 2.0 tools and their impact on libraries.

More information about the Library’s Learning 2.0 project is available on the program’s blog and in the online version of Toronto Metropolitan University Forum . Any Ryerson community member is welcome to work through the program or check out the links to participants’ blogs on the RULA Learning 2.0 Activities blog.

Town Halls in the Library

Be part of Ryerson’s future. Come share your thoughts on the services and activities that you think should be located in the Toronto Metropolitan University Student Learning Centre, which will be built at the corner of Yonge and Gould.

All students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the Town Halls and help define how best to use the Student Learning Centre space.

Date: Monday, March 23
Time: Noon to 1:30 pm
Place: LIB 4th Floor

Date: Wednesday, April 1
Time: Noon to 1:30 pm
Place: LIB 4th Floor

Date: Thursday, April 2*
Time: Noon to 1:30 pm
Place: LIB 4th Floor

*Note: This Town Hall is especially for Students. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Turn Off the Lights Campaign

The Library is supporting a Campus Leadership Advisors (CLA) campaign to encourage students to turn off desk lights when not in use. Stickers will be placed in study carrels to help encourage users to turn off their lights and promote energy conservation. Thank you for your support of this important initiative.

SciFinder now on the Web

SciFinder, the premier chemistry research database, is now available to Ryerson staff, students and faculty on the web. To use this version of SciFinder, you will need to set up a free individual account. More information about account set up and access is available on the SciFinder Scholar description page.