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Provides statistical comparisons between European Union countries and regions. Public access.

IMF e-Library 
From the International Monetary Fund and contains economic and financial time series data covering more than 200 countries and areas. TMU faculty, staff and students only.

International Data Base

Statistical tables of social and economic data for most countries and areas of the world. PDF format. Public access.

League of Nations Statistics

Historical statistics from 1926-1944 including population, unemployment, commerce, and other sources. Public access.

OECD iLibrary 

OECD iLibrary is OECD’s Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics and the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data. Please Note: Toronto Metropolitan University has a subscription to the Statistics package only. Some other materials are not accessible to TMU users, but many content areas are freely available to any site visitor, such as the OECD Factbook, Working Papers, OECD Key Tables, and more.

Pew Research Global

Statistics about issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It contains public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Public access.

A compilation of data from United Nations agencies and other international sources. Data can be retrieved by country or topic and viewed on screen or downloaded in a variety of formats. Public access.

World Bank Databases
Free access to the World Development Indicators Global Development Finance, Africa Development Indicators, and Global Economic Monitor. Public access.