There are four working groups working to support the primary project goal which is to:
Build a prototype open publishing infrastructure to integrate and extend the BC Open Textbook Library that will be migrated from BCcampus to eCampusOntario in May 2017 with a project completion date of Aug. 31, 2017
The four working streams to support this objective which are:
- A working Pressbook prototype with enhanced features
- Integrate an open source repository that will support the open textbook platform and other content
- Community building and knowledge mobilization
- Learning module authoring and distribution prototyping
The Pressbooks Working Group is focused on:
- Developing and implementing a customized/branded design for an eCampusOntario Open Textbook authoring system
- Improvements to the Open Textbook catalog design and implementation
- Improvements to standard Pressbooks web-based “book” interface
- Custom template (web, pdf, epub/mobi) for eCampusOntario
Cloning Books & Collections
- This project will develop a federated approach to “cloning” openly licensed Pressbooks books — so that any Pressbooks user, or any Pressbooks system can easily “clone” a book (or collection of books) from one system to another, making it easy to modify, remix and reuse books, and collections.
- Makes significant improvements to metadata schemas and APIs of the underlying open source Pressbooks system.
Infrastructure Working Group is focused on:
- Integrate an open source repository that will support the open textbook platform and other content
- Evaluate available open source repository systems and consult with BCcampus and other Canadian institutions regarding their OER repositories
- Install, configure and customize the functions of the selected repository system to meet the requirements of open textbooks and other types of OER content Develop a customized/branded design for an eCampusOntario open textbook library
- Investigate and integrate a Single Sign On (SSO) authentication system (e.g. CAS and Shibboleth) for the selected repository system
- Integrate the selected repository system with Pressbooks
- Extend repository to support possible identified requirements that are not supported out of box
Communications Working Group is focused on:
- Engaging in ongoing promotion, information sharing and leadership activities across Ontario to support Open Education Resources (OER) skill-building and development
- Speaking at post-secondary events dedicated to open learning content development
- OER working teams and experts actively engaged in community- and foundation-building activities across the higher education community.
- Consult with representation from OCUL, OCLS, University of Waterloo, and Queen’s University
- Consultation with upcoming OER and Library association meetings to include focus groups
- Establish opportunities to receive iterative feedback from representative community partners through existing grassroots communities.
The Learning Module Working Group is focused on:
- Complete an environmental scan of existing open source learning module authoring systems
- Consult with learning design and faculty support communities in Ontario (OUCEL and College Technology Support)
- Draft specifications for a learning module authoring and repository system to include:
- Exploration of common format for distribution. Module distribution outline and requirements
- Integration and introduction of ID workflow within authoring tool
- Making common learning objects available within the authoring process
- Design and create conceptual prototype
For more about the team, visit the project team members list here