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Terms and Conditions

Toronto Metropolitan University RShare License

All TMU authors depositing their work are required to agree to the terms and conditions of the RShare Library Digital Repository Licence. 

By depositing your item(s), you agree to the Terms and Conditions of this non-exclusive licence: 

  • You are free to publish this item or items elsewhere in their present or future versions. 
  • You confirm that:
  1. you are the single or joint creator of the item(s) or you have permission from the copyright owner(s) to deposit in this repository. 
  2. the item(s) are original and to the best of your knowledge do not infringe anyone’s copyright. 
  3. the item(s) do not violate or infringe any Canadian laws. 

We agree to: 

  • add the item(s) to RShare so they are freely available online for the lifetime of the repository. 
  • where feasible, convert the item(s) as necessary to ensure they can be read by computer systems in the future. 
  • conduct a check of the deposit’s metadata. This may consist of: checking for spelling mistakes in the metadata, adding extra metadata (for example, funder and/or grant number) if appropriate, advising on appropriate metadata to include, advising on the risks of improper release of information. This list is not exhaustive and not all checks will be made on all deposits.
  • check public publisher copyright permissions to ensure that the item(s) can be placed in the repository. In some cases we may need to request a copy of your contract.

We reserve the right to remove the item(s) for any legal or administrative reason. 

Depositor’s Declaration 

1. I hereby grant a non-exclusive license, for the full term of copyright protection to my University, TMU UNIVERSITY, to archive, preserve, produce, reproduce, publish, communicate, convert into any format, and to make available to the public in print, or online by telecommunication or in any media now known or later developed, to the public for non-commercial purposes; 

I warrant that: 

1.1 I am the creator of all or part of the whole item(s) (including content & layout, images) or have written permission from the copyright owner(s) to deposit. 

1.2 The item(s) are not in any way a violation or infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any person. 

1.3 That if the item(s) have been commissioned, sponsored or supported by any organisation, that I have fulfilled all of the obligations required by such contract or agreement, including attribution.

1.4 If the item(s) includes data covered by TMU University Research Ethics Board approval, and involves humans I have informed consent from the individuals involved to deposit. 

1.5 If the research involves Indigenous cultural heritage, language, practices, technologies, territories or natural resources, I have informed consent from the relevant community to deposit and, if applicable, make openly available.

1.6 I may not deposit or upload (or post links to) any of the following types of item(s) in or to the Repository: [a] abusive, offensive, obscene or pornographic item(s); [b] false and/or defamatory statements about any person, organization or entity or other statements likely to create liability; [c] discriminatory or harassing items(s); [d] confidential or commercially-sensitive material that I do not have express authority to disseminate; [f]  any other statement which is likely to create any liability (whether criminal or civil); [g] item(s) in breach of copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights; [h] item(s) which invade the privacy of any person; or [i] item(s) that facilitate criminal activity or violate any Applicable Law. 

The Digital Repository’s Rights and Responsibilities 

2.1 May distribute copies of the item(s) (including any description) worldwide, in electronic format via any medium for the lifetime of the repository for the purpose of free access without charge. 

2.2 May electronically store, convert or copy the item(s) to ensure their future preservation and accessibility. 

2.3 May incorporate metadata or documentation into public access catalogues for the item(s). 

2.4 Shall retain the right to remove the item(s) for professional or administrative reasons, or if they are found to violate the legal rights of any person(s). 

2.5 Shall not be under obligation to take legal action on behalf of the depositor or other rights holders in the event of infringement of intellectual property rights or any other right in the material deposited. 


3.1 Copyright in additional data, software, user guides and documentation to assist users in using the item(s) shall belong to the Digital Repository on behalf of TMU University and any other parties that Digital Repository may choose to enter into an agreement with to produce such materials. 

3.2 While every care will be taken to preserve the physical integrity of the deposited files, the Digital Repository shall incur no liability, either expressed or implicit, for the work or for loss of or damage to any of the deposited files. 

3.3 TMU Library reserves the right to change repository platforms over time.

Definition & Terms 

4.1 In this agreement: ‘Item(s)’ means each item being deposited including any description and supporting documentation. 

4.2 ‘Digital Repository’ means any service provided by TMU University to enable the deposit and preservation of Digital outputs.