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Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Institutional Research Data Management Strategy


As required by the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, each post-secondary institution and research hospital eligible to administer CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC funds is required to create an institutional RDM strategy by March 1, 2023. 

The Institutional Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy will reflect the particular circumstances of the University—for example, institution size, research intensity, and existing RDM capacity—and will outline how TMU will provide its researchers with an environment which enables and supports research data management. The RDM strategy will include the following elements:

  • recognize data as an important research output;
  • support researchers in their efforts to establish and implement data management practices that are consistent with ethical, legal and commercial obligations, as well as tri-agency requirements, including the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – 2nd edition, the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research, and other relevant policies;
  • promote the importance of data management to researchers, staff and students;
  • guide researchers on how to properly manage data in accordance with the principles outlined in the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management, including the development of data management plans;
  • commit to the adoption of established best practices when developing institutional standards and policies for data management plans;
  • support access to, repository services or other platforms that securely preserve, curate and provide appropriate access to research data;
  • recognize that data created in the context of research by and with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, collectives and organizations will be managed according to principles developed and approved by those communities, collectives and organizations, and in partnership with them;
  • recognize that a distinctions-based approach is needed to ensure that the unique rights, interests and circumstances of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit are acknowledged, affirmed, and implemented.

The Institutional RDM strategy will be regularly revisited and revised where appropriate.

RDM Strategy v2.0

A public draft of the RDM Strategy Draft v2.0 is available here: 

Research Data Management Institutional Strategy – Draft v2.0

Draft v2.0 incorporates feedback received from initial consultations with the Toronto Metropolitan University community. The strategy is a living document, which will be reviewed and revised in line with Tri-Agency requirements, feedback from TMU researchers and future innovations in RDM practices. Consultations are ongoing.

Please direct any questions or feedback regarding RDM Strategy Draft v2.0 to 

Town Halls and Feedback

The Toronto Metropolitan University community was invited to read the draft and contribute feedback via a series of virtual Town Halls in November 2022.

  • Medicine and Health: Tuesday, November 8, 1 – 2 p.m. 
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering: Thursday November 10, 1 – 2 p.m. 
  • Social Sciences, Humanities and Creative: Wednesday, November 9, 1 – 2 p.m. 

If you were unable to attend any of the Town Halls, you can send in your feedback to  

Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Working Group

The strategy is being developed by the Toronto Metropolitan University Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Working Group in consultation with the TMU community via outreach activities.

Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Working Group members:

Dr. Naomi Adelson, Associate Vice President, Research & Innovation
Dr. Asher Alkoby, Chair, Research Ethics Board
Zakiya Atcha, Research Ethics Manager
Casey Carvalho, Director, Computing Infrastructure
Roland Chan, Chief Information Security Officer
Dr. Greg Elmer, The Creative School
Dr. Hilary Evans Cameron, Lincoln Alexander School of Law
Dr. Songnian Li, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Dr. Eric Liberda, Faculty of Community Services
Dr. Catherine Middleton, Ted Rogers School of Management
Dr. Jas Morgan, Faculty of Arts
Faheem Mosam, Graduate Student, Physics
Nora Mulvaney, Research Data Management Librarian (co-chair)
Dr. Mojca Mattiazzi Usaj, Faculty of Science
Silvia Vong, Associate Chief Librarian, Scholarly, Research and Creative Activities (co-chair)
Dr. Nancy Walton, Yeates School of Graduate Studies