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2024 Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants

The TMU Libraries are pleased to announce its 2024 Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants to encourage the creation and adoption of open educational resources. OER are learning materials that are openly licensed such that they are freely available to be adapted, copied, and shared. OER can be courses, modules, textbooks, multimedia, assessments, and supplementary materials.

These grants advance the University’s priorities to foster an innovation ecosystem, ensure excellence in student learning experiences, and build on TMU Libraries digital initiatives, expertise in Open Access and Open Education Resource publishing and dissemination, and academic priorities of access and openness. TMU Libraries are very pleased to collaborate with the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and the Chang School of Continuing Education in the review and adjudication of the grants and the support of successful projects. A total of $30,000 is available in two categories of grants:

Category 1 – Creation or Adaptation of an OER Textbook

2 grants, maximum $10,000 each, to create a new open textbook or adapt an already existing Open Textbook (significantly adapting existing content and including additional ancillary materials). For examples of University-created OER textbooks, see the list of books on the TMU Libraries publishing site.

Category 2 – Creative of Openly Licensed Immersive Content

2 grants, maximum $5,000 each, to create open immersive content. To meet the demand for the creation and viewing of immersive content, TMU Libraries has launched a new Immersion Studio. TMU Libraries Immersion Studio, a full 360° space that is 6 meters in diameter and 2.3 meters tall, is a resource for faculty and students to develop learning and teaching materials using collaborative virtual reality (VR) experiences and immersive media. 

 Objectives of the Grant Program

  • To support faculty members in the creation, review, revision and adoption of open textbooks and other OER materials.
  • To increase the use of open educational content at the University resulting in pedagogical innovation, enhanced access for students, and reduced textbook and class material costs.


All TFA and CUPE Faculty members, Librarians and Post-Doctoral fellows may apply for these grants.

Evaluation Criteria

All proposals must result in openly licensed resources and will be evaluated on the following criteria: 

  • Impact on student success and experience, including high-quality materials, maximum access, open and innovative pedagogy, and cost savings to students.
  • Active engagement of students with Faculty in the adaptation/adoption of OER.
  • Expansion of discipline/subject OER coverage.
  • Completeness and viability of budget and project outcomes, consistent with project objectives and appropriate administrative approval from your Chair or supervisor as necessary.
  • Commitment to building equity, community and inclusion, advancing the TRC Calls to Action, recommendations of the Mash Koh Wee Kah Pooh Win (Standing Strong) Taskforce, and alignment with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Academic Plan and priorities.

Guidelines for Applicants

  • Complete the Application Form by 4:00 pm on July 5, 2024. Proposals must be submitted via this link prior to the deadline. Please use the QR Code.
  • Selection Process: Proposals will be evaluated according to an established assessment rubric based on the criteria noted above. A University Library OER Grant Review Committee with representatives from TMU Libraries(chair), the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and the Chang School will consider all applications.
  • Funds will be available once a detailed budget is approved by the TMU University Libraries OER Grant Review Committee.
    • Funds may be used to pay students; editors; graphic designers; videographers, with preference given to projects that employ Toronto Metropolitan University students. Funds cannot be used to purchase equipment or used for travel costs.
    • This is not an equipment fund, however, if the substance of the project requires equipment, that component may be considered if it is demonstrated that such equipment is unavailable on campus and is instrumental to the project on a case-by-case approved basis. The TMU Libraries can make equipment for 360 filming projects available. Please note also that TMU Libraries hosts Pressbooks, a collaborative open textbook publishing platform.
    • Faculty teaching releases are not funded by this grant.
    • Funds will be made available after recipients attend an introductory 2-hour onboarding session. Grant funds must be expended by August 31, 2025. Brief final reports at project completion and/or close of the granting period are required, including an outline of fund expenditures. Any unspent funds will be returned to the TMU Libraries.

Reporting and Deliverables

For Category 1 – Creation and Adaptation grants:

A mid-term check-in meeting will occur by Dec 15, 2024 and final reports and links to materials created must be submitted to the TMU Libraries OER Grant Review Committee by August 31, 2025. Upon completion of the project, a presentation must be made during Open Education Week Open Access Week or the University Faculty Conference.

For Category 2 – Creation of Open Immersive Content

A mid-term check-in meeting will occur by Dec 15, 2024 and final reports, files and links to materials created must be submitted to TMU Libraries OER Grant Review Committee by August 31, 2025. Upon completion of the project, a presentation must be made during Open Education Week Open Access Week or the University Faculty Conference.


Grant recipients are required to credit the Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants in any publications, conference proceedings, or media appearances resulting from the funded project.


All materials created for the Category 1 Creation and Adaptation Grants and Category 2 Creation of Open Immersive Content must be licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, or a CC-BY-NC license and indicate that they were funded by a Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant. Please note that any 3rd party content must be consistent with these licences, or have copyright permissions cleared. Any interviews must be properly released using appropriate video and testimonial release forms

Working with or interviewing Indigenous communities or community members or using Indigenous knowledge and/or data in your project, consideration of The First Nations Principles of OCAP® and respect for how and what Indigenous knowledge can be reused and shared is very important. Alternative licences may be considered for projects with Indigenous content, interviews and testimonials. 


Groups may be interviewed at the end of the project for feedback and a follow-up interview will be done after in-classroom pilots.

Application Process

To apply for a grant, please submit a completed application form by 4 pm July 5, 2024. If you have questions, please feel free to contact either Ann Ludbrook ext. 556910, or Sally Wilson ext. 556898.

Additional Resources that may help with your application:

Open Access Educational Resources Guide 

Toronto Metropolitan University Pressbooks