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2020 Toronto Metropolitan University Library and Ted Rogers School Of Management OER Partnership Grant

The Toronto Metropolitan University Library and TRSM is pleased to announce a Fall 2020 Toronto Metropolitan University Library and Ted Rogers School Of Management OER Partnership Grant to encourage the creation and adoption of open educational resources with a focus on business titles. OER are learning materials that are openly licensed such that they are freely available to be adapted, copied, and shared. OER can be: courses, modules, textbooks, multimedia, assessments, and supplementary materials.

This grant advances the University’s priorities to foster an innovation ecosystem and ensure excellence in student learning experiences, and builds on Ryerson Library’s digital initiatives, expertise in Open Access and Open Education Resource publishing and dissemination, and academic priorities of access and openness. The Library is very pleased to collaborate with the Ted Rogers School of Management to fund a grant that creates an open educational textbook and accompanying ancillary teaching materials to support a high enrolment 100 or 200 level TRSM course. 

TRSM and the Library will be involved in the review and adjudication of the grants. The Library will manage and support successful projects. A single $40,000 two-part grant will be available to the successful proposal.

Stage One – Creation or Adaptation of an OER Textbook

This grant is for creation or adaptation of an Open Educational textbook in the Ryerson Pressbooks instance and its subsequent pilot use in a classroom, for a high enrolment 100 or 200 level TRSM course. Grant amounts will be dependent on an analysis of the amount of creation or adaptation needed to create the textbook but is envisioned as being  $20,000 dollars. For examples of Ryerson’s OER textbooks, see the list of books on the Library’s publishing site

Stage Two – Ancillary Resource Creation (Slides, Testbanks, Videos)

This grant is to be used to create high quality digital ancillary material that can accompany the OER textbook created in Stage One of the project. Resources that can be supported by the grant include instructor slides, test-banks, quizzes and videos for example. Creation is envisioned as happening over a maximum period of two summers (2021 and 2022) and will be jump-started using an OER Sprint Methodology. The grant amount is envisioned as being $20,000. 

Objectives of the OER Grant Program

  • To support faculty members in the review, revision and adoption of open textbooks and other OER materials
  • To create good quality ancillary materials to support the textbook that has been funded.
  • To increase the use of open educational content, textbooks and OER at Toronto Metropolitan University resulting in pedagogical innovation, enhanced access for students, and reduced textbook and class material costs.


All TRSM RFA and CUPE Faculty members.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Curation and customization of OER that will be freely and openly shared within Toronto Metropolitan University and beyond
  • Impact on student experience, including high-quality materials, maximum access, open and innovative pedagogy, and cost savings to students
  • Active engagement of students with TRSM Faculty in the adaptation/adoption of OER
  • Improve discipline/subject OER coverage in higher education Canadian Business resources
  • Complete and viable budget and project outcomes, consistent with project objectives and appropriate administrative approval from your Chair or supervisor as necessary
  • Foster commitment to building equity, community and inclusion, advance the TRC Calls to Action, and alignment with Ryerson’s Academic Plan and priorities

 Guidelines for Applicants

  • Complete the Application Form by 4:00 pm on October 23rd, 2020. Proposals must be submitted via this link prior to the deadline.
  • Selection Process: Proposals will be evaluated according to an established assessment rubric based on the criteria noted above. A Ryerson Library OER Grant Review Committee consisting of representation from the Library (chair), the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching,  and the TRSM will consider all applications.
  • Funds will be available once a detailed budget is approved by the Ryerson Library OER Grant Review Committee.
    • Funds may be used to pay students, faculty writers, editors; graphic designers; videographers, ancillary resource creators, with preference given to projects that at least in part employ Ryerson students. Funds cannot be used to purchase equipment or used for travel costs.
    • This is not an equipment fund, however, if the substance of the project requires equipment, that component may be considered if it is demonstrated that such equipment is unavailable on campus and is instrumental to the project on a case-by-case approved basis.
    • Faculty teaching release is not funded by this grant.
    • Funds will be made available no later than December 31, 2020 after recipients attend an introductory two-hour on-boarding session. The maximum period that Stage One funds must be expended is no later than May 1st, 2022, and the maximum period Stage Two  funds must be expended is no later than August 31, 2022. Funds will be managed through the Library.
    • Brief final reports at project completion and/or close of the granting period are required, including an outline of fund expenditures. Any unspent funds will be returned to the Library.

Reporting and Deliverables

For Stage One – Creation or Adaptation OER Textbook Grant:

A mid-term report is due August 31st, 2021, and links to materials created must be submitted to the Library OER Grant Committee no later than April 31, 2022. A presentation must be made during Open Education Week (March 2022) about the project’s progress.

For Stage Two – OER Ancillary Materials:

A final two-page report about the whole project and links to materials created must be submitted to the Library OER Grant Committee no later than August 31, 2022. Upon completion of the project, a short presentation must be made during Open Education Week (March 2023).

Acknowledgment and Licensing

Grant recipients are required to credit the Toronto Metropolitan University Library and Ted Rogers School Of Management OER Partnership Grant in any publications, conference proceedings, or media appearances resulting from the funded project.

All materials created for the Stage One and Stage Two OER grants must be licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, or a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license and indicate that they were funded by the Ryerson Library and Ted Rogers School Of Management OER Partnership Grant.


Groups will be interviewed at the end of the project for feedback and a follow-up interview will be done after in-classroom pilots.

Application Process

To apply for a grant, please submit a completed application form  by October 23rd, 2020. If you have questions about the adaptation of business resources, please feel free to contact your TRSM subject Librarian Nazia Sheikh;  or Reece Steinberg:; or Bob Jackson: For questions about Pressbooks, the sprint methodology and Creative Commons licences please contact Ann Ludbrook, or Sally Wilson