The Toronto Metropolitan University Law Library is located on the 4th floor of the Podium Building and includes a Reading Room which provides a variety of study options for students, along with computers, and a service point for library assistance. Library staff and a small core print collection are located in the Library Resource Room adjacent to the Reading Room.
The Law Library is part of the Toronto Metropolitan University Library and collaborates closely with the Toronto Metropolitan University Library and the Faculty of Law to ensure that its collections and services support the research, teaching and study needs of the Faculty of Law.
John Papadopoulos: Head, Law Library; john.papadopoulos@torontomu.ca
Lisa Levesque: Law Librarian; lisa.levesque@torontomu.ca
Sara Klein: Law Librarian; sara.b.klein@torontomu.ca
Denise Matchett: Library Technician, Law Acquisitions and Reference, Law E-Reserves; dmatchett@torontomu.ca
Gregory McCormick: Library Assistant; gregory.mccormick@torontomu.ca