The GeoPortal is pleased to let you know that the following datasets have now been loaded into the GeoPortal:
- City of London 2009-2013, 2017
- Census Districts (CD) and Census Subdistricts (CSD), 1871
- Enumeration Areas (EA), 1971
- FRI Digital Aerial Imagery update (imagery now available in four seamless UTM zones, as opposed to a series of blocks and boundaries)
- DMTI Postal Code Suite (several years that had previously been missed)
- Agricultural Resources Inventory (ARI) 2017 – This is an update from the 1983 ARI, but differs from that data both in terms of coverage area and the way that the data has been classified. The 1983 dataset provides information on specific crops and field use, whereas this dataset broadly denotes land use. Both are available in the Portal.
- Ontario School Board Boundaries, 2015-2016
- Canadian Weather Stations, 1971-2000
In addition to these new datasets, we have also made LIO’s topographic cache available as an basemap option in the GeoPortal. This detailed map was added based off of conversations had at our last in-person meeting in April (thanks to all those who suggested this!). It is available by clicking on Base Maps from the upper right corner of the GeoPortal and selecting LIO Topographic.